Balanced on the periphery of a funnel, a miniature ballerina was stationed to fulfill a contract she had signed from the beginning of her voyage, a contract which had explicated that, in order to escape en route unscathed, she was to mystify an anxious, navel-gazing crowd, so they could rise and follow by nose a trail of steamy notes and tones destined for obscurity. Her weapon of choice was a prescribed melody she could only remember when she closed her eyes to block out the world around her. Lurid, animalculous configurations embodied an assortment of saints she had chanced upon throughout the course of her 25 years. These iconoclastic figures, who taught her blind how to perform tricks, also generously equipped her with miscellaneous wonders akin to those held by a professional gymnast. As a strategy to elude the puppeteers that had severed her strings and dumped her in this place, she disguised herself to fit the mold of a rambunctious harlot, ensuring any potential access to the n...